Marty Romero

Hare Krishna

Krishna on a white horse.

On Krishna

Krishna is more than the a Hindu god to me. To me, Krishna represents “God” whom I have never known, and I have been happy to admire from a distance. I enjoy chanting and picturing myself in the middle of a joyful crowd dancing, and worshiping “God.” The thing is that I don’t know “God”, and I don’t know Krishna so I have been using Krishna as a proxy for the relationship that I have become curious about.

I feel hesitant to get to know more about Krishna because I fear the dogma that might be associated with the Hindu faith. It’s an interesting dichotomy. I want to know what or who “God” is, but refuse anything related to the groups who claim to know him/her/it.

Looking back on my life, I have had to recognize that there isn’t enough evidence for me to believe that there is something or someone responsible for life, and the more religion that I have filled myself with, the less I have been able to see or hear Him/She/It. For now, “Hare Krishna”!

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Hare Hare - Rama Krishna Bhajan